Star Wars The Old Republic 6.3.2 Changes Overview

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BioWare released SWTOR 6.3.2 on August 31. This patch looks small, mainly bug fixes, but brings game improvements and some major changes.

BioWare released SWTOR 6.3.2 on August 31. This patch looks small, mainly bug fixes, but brings game improvements and some major changes. They have converted all Star Wars The Old Republic group loot into individual loot. This means that the master, round robin and free loot options for everyone are no longer available. Players may need to buy more Star Wars The Old Republic Credits. The patch also increases the number of hooks available in the flagships of the Republic and Empire guilds.

BioWare claimed on the forum that this will affect all loot. These items will randomly provide to players who have not yet owned them. But if everyone in the group owns it, the item will not drop. But in comparison, players are still more inclined to get rewards like SWTOR Credits. The game official hopes that this change can eliminate the contradiction in the distribution of loot. Usually, the distribution of team loot will lead to many problems, which will affect the team's relationship and the player’s experience. This change may make future loot distribution easier, and also make players more willing to buy SWTOR Credits.

More hooks in Guild Flagships are a change that surprises players. At present, the hook restrictions of the guild flagship are too strict. Many guilds only use their fishing hooks on the main ship bridge and officer deck, without decorating other floors. Therefore, the game’s excessively top limit on flagship hooks may cause players to cannot arrange the guild flagship well. Unfurnished rooms look very barren, which affects the overall image of the guild and also affects the player’s gaming experience in the guild. If SWTOR wants players to enjoy the game time more and will buy more SWTOR Credits, then the game really needs to make this improvement.

Adding hooks is a good thing. This will make players more willing to arrange the guild, and even more willing to buy SWTOR Credits to promote the guild. It is still not known what the new hook restrictions are. It is possible that BioWare will provide too many hooks as they did in the Manaan and Fleet Penthouse fortresses, or they will actually consider the new restrictions. It all depends on BioWare’s idea of SWTOR and the consideration of players’ gaming experience.
