Website design and website development are two distinct concepts, similar to the two sides of a coin, head and tail. However, web design and development evolve over time due to quick changes in trends and technologies. A web designer in Dubai generates numerous ideas, either from themselves or from a client, and then incorporates them into the website using various software such as Adobe Photoshop.
Soon after a Dubai website designer incorporates the ideas, the entire website transforms, from its appearance to how it feels. When we talk about overall appearance, we mean the colors, layout, graphics, interaction, interactivity, and other elements. Therefore, it is considered essential for a web designer to possess inventiveness and creativity, as their career closely aligns with all other art-related domains. A web designer should also be knowledgeable about the technical aspects of website development, since this allows them to create some of the best designs.
Let us now move on to another component, web development, which is primarily concerned with how web design comes to life and is visible to the rest of the world's visitors. A web developer brings the design to life by using various programmers and codes, such as Notepad, Dreamweaver, and so on, to create the website's backbone. A web developer in Dubai is primarily concerned with non-design aspects, which follow the work of a web designer. A web developer must also consider the website's usability, which refers to how the website appears to different users, such as those using different browsers, because a website must seem the same across all platforms.