Intersectionality And Mental Health

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Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make healthy choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence th

Intersectionality: What is it?

Conversational usage of intersectionality is commonplace. Still, a lot of people could find it hard to understand this concept. According to sociology, intersectionality is the recognition that intragroup distinctions based on individual identities will nonetheless occur within all groups of people who share a certain identity. Gender, sexual orientation, spoken language, immigrant status, age, race, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, and other identities are examples of these individual identities.As society attempts to eradicate disadvantages and inequalities that have plagued minority groups for years, more discussions are focused on this subject. Everyone must recognize their multiple intersecting identities and the ways in which these identities lead to discrimination and inequality for particular groups in order to practice intersectionality.

What makes intersectionality crucial?

Because it acknowledges that every person is an individual with distinct experiences, viewpoints, and challenges, intersectionality can be beneficial. A single identity identifier cannot define a person. Rather, an individual's experience and interactions with their environment are influenced by a multitude of elements.

Intersectional equality: what is it?

The concept of "intersectional equality" states that all people ought to be treated equally. It is a framework for making choices that can advance everyone's right to equitable treatment, regardless of their particular mental disorder diesease. Intersectional equality considers a person's entire set of identity markers in an effort to determine whether characteristics work to their advantage or disadvantage.

Instances of intersectionality in the community

Here are two instances of how an individual's identity markers might impact intersectionality.The intersections of class, gender, and age In this case, Sarah might have been at a disadvantage due to a few identity markers. Sarah's age may have been a factor in the group selecting the team members as opposed to other applications. Maybe they thought that because she was older, she was less of an athlete. Sarah might not have been able to afford expensive equipment for the team because of her poor income. Lastly, the team is mostly composed of guys, while Sarah is a woman. Even though Sarah is a famous athlete, has a ton of experience in the sport, and is physically fit, these three characteristics could work against her.

Observing things from an intersectional perspective

Groups can also examine how oppression, inequality, and discrimination affect minorities via the lens of intersectionality. By using this lens, society could be better able to comprehend how members of the same group might engage with the outside world in quite diverse ways. It might also be helpful to be aware that some members of a particular community may experience more oppression or discrimination because they hold several identities. For instance, compared to other groups within the LGBTQ+ community, transgender women of color have a higher risk of mental illness, suicide, and hate crimes.


Intersectionality could highlight the ways in which a person's diverse identities contribute to their uniqueness. You can learn more about why each individual interacts with the environment in a particular way by examining the ways in which each of these identities intersects with the others. Additionally, you might observe that your experiences differ from those of another member of your group.

Mental well-being

There are significant differences in mental health between underprivileged groups. These differences are frequently considerably more pronounced for those who belong to several underprivileged or minority groups. Inequalities in the field of mental health care include stigma, underdiagnosis, prejudice, lack of resources, and difficulty accessing care. These differences could be attributed, among other things, to institutional and systemic racism, homophobia, transphobia, or a lack of minority representation, awareness, and education.These populations all have difficulties due to a single identity marker. Someone who identifies with more than one of these identities, though, may experience a greater discrepancy. For instance, a heterosexual Black man in his 20s with a well-paying career may not have the same obstacles as a gay Black man in his 80s who lives in poverty. It could be more difficult to recognize all the possible drawbacks that each person could experience if one is not looking through an intersectional lens.

Including intersectionality in day-to-day activities

In actuality, you can try to assist companies owned by minorities. For a cause or problem you're passionate about, you can also join or support groups. Keeping up with the most recent social issues and making a commitment to never stop learning about underprivileged communities could also be beneficial.

How to take care of your mental health as a person who is marginalized

Stressors and inequities associated to identity can occasionally result in barriers, both physical and emotional. Mental disease could be the outcome for certain persons. In other cases, long-term stress may exacerbate the negative effects of oppression. If you belong to a marginalized group, you should think about taking care of  mental health in the following ways.

Lead a wholesome lifestyle

Consuming nutritious foods, getting enough rest, and engaging in regular physical activity can support both mental and physical well-being. The mind-body connection also demonstrates how promoting one can enhance the other. If your identity makes it difficult for you to lead a healthy lifestyle, consider doing one step at a time. If you can't finish a task one day, don't put too much pressure on yourself. Try your hardest; even a tiny step could have a greater impact than none at all.

Offer assistance

Having a sense of purpose and belonging might improve your attitude. You may meet new people, form friendships, and experience a stronger sense of community through volunteering. Giving back can also make you more appreciative of the things in your life that you now have and the things you hope to develop in the future. Anyone can volunteer, and if you require accommodations because of a disability or another identity-related issue, there might be volunteer opportunities that accommodate your needs.

Make ties both inside and outside of your community.

Having family or friends nearby to turn to during difficult times might be beneficial to your emotional well-being. It could serve as a reminder that you are loved and have purpose in the lives of others around you. When you're having trouble, these people might be able to help by providing resources, listening to you when you don't understand something, or offering advise.
