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Choose from the exclusive range of jhumka designs available in gold and diamond. Choose from Antique, traditional, lightweight, temple jewellery or wedding jhumka earrings.

Jewelery has always been a major part in our lifestyle. Right from the exhibits from the Indus Valley Civilizations to the paintings in the Ajanta caves to the latest excavations from the Vijayanagara Empire, our love for jewelery and the creativity and labor manifested in it has always been showcased with utmost grandeur and great importance. All Indian epics have references of  golddiamond  and  precious stone jewelery  in abundance. There are few pieces of jewelery that sail across centuries, with their love and fame not being tarnished to the least bit for several decades. The Jhumki earring is a classic example in this case

The Jhumki or Jhumka or Jhimki is a kind of earrings that have the shape of an inverted bell. A small tear drop shaped piece of metal usually hangs in the middle of the inverted bell. Sometimes tiny balls are strung across the rim of the inverted bell. When a woman wears a Jhumki and shakes her head, the tiny trinkets clang against each other and produce a lovely sound. This and the inverted bell like appearance has earned the name Jhumka/Jhumki for this ornament.

This piece of jewelery was originally worn in a large scale manner by Bharathanatyam dancers. The beauty of the earrings have since been captivating scores of girls and women so much that it has become a mainstream item of jewelry. Jhumkis are popular in gold, diamond, silver, kemp, precious stones, terracotta and even the ones made with silk threads. The shape of the Jhumki varies with each creator. From tiny drops to huge umbrella shapes, from squared jhumkis to conical jhumkis, the innovation put into the creation of Jhumki designs is ceaseless. The beauty of Jhumki is that it can match with any set of jewelery and also any Indian attaire.

From Karanphool Jhumka of  Rajasthan  to the Koda Kadukkan of  Kerala , Jhumkis unite the jewelery love of all Indians. These beautiful set of  earrings  bring out the feminine beauty and grace in every woman in the most wonderful way possible.

