Men and bingo card

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find online bingo to be the best and most convenient option.

Do men play on line If you asked this question to the man or the woman in the street you would probably get the reply that bingo is predominantly a woman’s game. This however is not true.The myth that online is only for women is just that, a myth. That men enjoy playing online bingo and live bingo, is very apparent for all to see when you go to a bingo hall. If you dos so you will see lots of men sitting there and not just women. Not surprisingly online bingo card  has even more men because although some men are embarrassed to go out to a bingo hall, or perhaps are actually unable to find someone to go with, women do have bingo nights.



When men go out with their buddies it is more often than not to the match or to the pub and not the bingo hall! However online bingo offers the man who wishes to play anonymity - he doesn’t have to worry whether the game is seen as a female preserve, he doesn’t have to worry about finding a mate to play with him. He can play and enjoy online bingo in the comfort and the convenience of his own home. Men who play online  bingo card say it suits them better, this may be because of their work commitments , many men work long hours or varying shifts which may change every week and they therefore find online bingo to be the best and most convenient option.



Once in a while you will read on an online bingo forum or you will hear players say that men will often use women user names on the websites when they are playing. Some men will do this as they feel they should not be playing a game that is considered to be for women. Although as we know there is nothing shameful or unusual about a man playing bingo it still holds a certain stigma for men although the online game would appear to be gradually changing all that. It is interesting in this context to note that Bingo was invented by a man.



So why shouldn’t men play? It is a fun national pastime here in the UK and other countries and it is in fact played by men of all ages. While there are many men online at any given bingo site, there will always currently be a majority of women. Some guys see this instantly as the big bonus of involvement in online bingo - think about all the cool chat rooms and the mini games that can be played while at the same time meeting and flirting with women who also like bingo.



It is well known that more than a few people who have finally gotten together had originally met on an online bingo site. The fact that women outnumber men has got to be a real positive for the male bingo player. In the end, bingo is a game of luck and a few other factors, but nowhere does it say that it is a game for women alone. It does not concern itself with gender and men are now being actively encouraged not to be afraid to sign up to online bingo and join the millions of other men already enjoying the game.
