Why You Need Aluminum CNC Machining

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The specific properties and features of aluminum have made aluminum CNC machining an increasingly popular process for product manufacturing.

The specific properties and features of aluminum have made aluminum CNC machining an increasingly popular process for product manufacturing.

What to Know About Aluminum CNC Machining

CNC machines use a computer program to operate, and manufacturers may use them for production or prototyping. Aluminum is one of the most popular materials used for CNC machining because of its superior machinability. Additionally, aluminum is easily shaped and features certain mechanical and thermal properties that make it ideal for CNC machining applications. These advantages make aluminum a considerably more suitable option over other lightweight metal alloys such as titanium and magnesium.

Over the years, a growing number of industries and applications have used CNC aluminum machining to produce everything from automotive parts and various other lightweight components.

Benefits of Aluminum CNC Machining


This metal is easy to shape and chip, meaning it can be accurately and efficiently cut using CNC machining equipment. This high level of machinability helps shorten the timeframe of the machining project, making the process much more affordable. In addition, aluminum's machinability minimizes the risk of part deformation when cutting the workpiece, leading to increased precision, accuracy, and repeatability.


Corrosion Resistance

Depending on the grade, aluminum offers high resistance to corrosion, which protects against chemical wear and oxidization. One of the most corrosion-resistant grades is 6061, which many applications rely on for protection against corrosive environments.


Strength-to-Weight Ratio

Many parts use aluminum because of its ideal physical properties, including its lightweight yet high-strength nature. These properties make aluminum suitable for manufacturing critical parts across a range of industries, including the automotive and aerospace industries.



Aluminum is highly recyclable, making it great for businesses that wish to reduce their environmental impact or minimize material waste while saving money. CNC machining applications often use recyclable materials because of the potentially large amounts of waste these processes generate when cutting workpieces.


Aluminum CNC Machining at Asianstar

If you require dependable aluminum CNC machining for your application, the experts at  Asianstar have plenty of experience. We serve a wide range of industries, including aerospace, medical, recreation, security, electronics, and more.To learn more about our CNC machining capabilities and get started on your next project with us, request a quote for our services or contact us today.

