Destroy the Qin Dynasty

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Solitary can feel frightened, almost out of instinct will be his sword forward, in the sword into ZhangHan chest

Solitary can feel frightened, almost out of instinct will be his sword forward, in the sword into ZhangHan chest at the same time, he felt a chill in his heart, as if to smell a heavy breath of death. When ZhangHan fell, the last thing he saw was Ji Kongshou's very calm face, which showed a strange smile on his face, as if all this was in his hands. As soon as Dugu's consciousness opened, he understood everything at the moment when he also fell down. Born as a king, will never allow the existence of ambitious people around, this is actually a very simple truth, until the lonely disabled understand, this big mistake has been cast. If Zhang Hanquan knew, he should understand that the powerful True Qi that had just flowed back into his meridians was what Ji Kongshou had done. Just then, the wasteland above a tsunami of cheers, with the cheers, ZhangHan command of the hundreds of soldiers have knelt on the ground. Chapter 19 the hero of troubled times. In the pink tent, the lights are soft. Appreciating Zhuo Xiaoyuan's virgin-like daughter's private parts, Xiang Yu, who was almost intoxicated, fell into a labyrinthine reverie. Indeed, this is a mysterious woman, she is like the lantern riddle hanging in front of every house on the Lantern Festival, not only beautiful,Investment casting parts, delicate, but also full of mystery and unknown, so that everyone who sees her will have a strong possessive desire for her, but also a kind of instinctive excitement. Thinking of this, Xiang Yu's resolute face unexpectedly showed a faint smile, just because he found that somewhere in his body there were signs of agitation, which was the hardness that some women longed for. "Well.." Zhuo Xiaoyuan's pink face is as red as the peach blossoms blooming in early March, and her pretty eyebrows are clearly covered with a trace of coyness,socket screw plug, as if she were still a young girl with unknown human affairs ( September Chinese website), but she has already understood some of the fun between men and women. It is this shyness that makes Xiang Yu taste the difference between this woman and other women, and it is this difference that increases the weight of Zhuo Xiaoyuan in Xiang Yu's heart. As the king of the army of millions of commanders, and regardless of Xiang Yu himself has the heroism that young girls admire, the power of life and death in his hands alone is enough to ensure that there is no lack of excellent women around him. However, he has a kind of infatuation with Zhuo Xiaoyuan that young talents should have. Only in this woman can he feel the joy of "bridegroom every night", experience the pleasure of blood and excitement, and thus plant a feeling in his heart that is hard to give up. Zhuo Xiaoyuan smiled secretly and smiled in her heart. She wanted to laugh, because she had understood Xiang Yu, understand Xiang Yu has been inseparable from his charming body. Magic Fox Gate has been able to rise in Jianghu for hundreds of years, which does not mean that it is unique in martial arts, but that it has its secret in controlling men. As the saying goes, "Heroes are sad to pass the Beauty Pass". The wise man who created Magic Fox Gate knows this well, so she understands that men and women fight each other. No matter how powerful women are, they are not as brave as men after all. If you want to win, You can rely on women's inherent capital to let men use it for themselves. Therefore, a wise man often said, titanium machining parts ,die cast light housing, "Color is a steel knife for scraping bones." Every time Zhuo Xiaoyuan thinks of this sentence, he always has a kind of admiration from the heart for the wise man. Because she knew that the man lying beside her, whether galloping on the battlefield or running amok in Jianghu, was an indomitable fighting spirit, and no one could fight with him lightly, let alone knock him down. If there is anyone in this world who can hurt him, it is only himself-the woman he loves deeply! When Xiang Yu's big hand held the newly peeled chicken head on Zhuo Xiaoyuan's chest again, Zhuo Xiaoyuan's body instinctively sent out a tremor, his small mouth slightly open, and he lightly spat out a trace of soul-stirring moan. Xiang Yu immediately felt a rush to burst, was about to turn over the "horse", outside the tent came a slight movement, let his whole nerve sent out a kind of instinctive vigilance. Who Xiang Yu's voice was very deep and powerful, but Zhuo Xiaoyuan recognized an indescribable disappointment in the tone. I The voice outside the tent is hoarse and hurried, with panting, Xiang Yu heart suddenly startled. His surprise was justified, because he had never seen Fan Zeng so panicked. In his memory, Fan Zeng, as a famous scholar in Chu, was not only gentle and elegant, but also always calm. When Xiang Yu accompanied his uncle Xiang Liang to visit the Fan Mansion, Xiang Liang himself said, "This talented person is of great use, and his wisdom is as deep as the sea. His magnanimity alone is no longer comparable to ours." "Uncle may think highly of this man," said Xiang Yu. Xiang Liang looked awestruck and said, "If you and I want to achieve great things, without the help of this person, it must be empty talk." Xiang Yu's life, the most respected person is a beam, is to obey the orders of a beam, worship Fan Zeng as the father, become the most important adviser around him. Facts have proved that it was Fan Zeng's advice that enabled Xiang Yu to quickly gain a firm foothold in troubled times, and then become the head of the princes, laying the foundation for the hegemony of Western Chu. So Xiang Yu often said, "The king has Concubine Yu inside and his father outside. It is the king's good fortune to have these two men." Since Fan Zeng has lost his temper, something big must happen. Xiang Yu turned over and sat up, casually put on a dress, just want to get out of bed, but listen to the door ring, Fan Zeng unexpectedly rushed in. Zhuo Xiaoyuan Jiao called out, Jiao body a shrink, the whole person half hidden in the brocade quilt, only showing a pretty face, the face is pale. Xiang Yu's face sank and his face was full of displeasure. Although he thought highly of Fan Zeng, he could not tolerate such an abrupt move. Fan Zeng, however, seemed to be out of sight. He strode forward and said, "Your Majesty, it's no good. Guanzhong is lost." "What..!" Shocked, Xiang Yu immediately put Fan Zeng's impoliteness behind him. Fan Zeng took a deep breath and said slowly, "Liu Bang led hundreds of thousands of troops to defeat the Three Qin Dynasty within 15 days, and Guanzhong fell into his hands." Xiang Yu raised his head and stared at Fan Zeng's stern face. "Is Yafu joking with the king?" He asked in disbelief? Think I have the advantage of the terrain in Guanzhong plain,metal stamping parts, and heavily guarded, Liu bang even captured the Guanzhong plain, how can you do it within 15 days? 。
