Supreme scoundrel

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An hour later, Xiao Lei came out from inside, the skin of the whole body had changed, the original white skin

An hour later, Xiao Lei came out from inside, the skin of the whole body had changed, the original white skin color became darker, just like wheat color. In this way, it looks a little more masculine. It made him seem less frivolous and more mature. Then the doorbell rang, and Sister Lei called to gather a group of people. The men were men and women, some of them wearing smart uniforms and carrying boxes in their hands. There are also two young men and women dressed in very fashionable clothes. Xiao Lei once saw them on TV. They are famous image designers in this city. Then Xiao Lei sat down like a prisoner, and the two image designers took out the scissors and began to do Xiao Lei's hair first, making his messy nest clean and tidy. Fortunately, the evening was a formal occasion like a dinner party, and it was not too exaggerated. But Just a haircut. As a man, it doesn't seem necessary to trim your nails, does it? Seeing the two guys take out large and small scissors, as well as grunners and nail polish, Xiao Lei almost fainted. The elder sister of thunder roar coldly: "Do you think the man does not need to pay attention to appearance?"? Hum Look at your original hair and nails! Like what! Is that hair? It's a bird's nest! And is that a human fingernail? I think it's chicken feet! Xiao Lei still wanted to talk back,metal cosmetic tubes, but suddenly he saw that the two image designs had taken out one thing. Ray's seen this before. It's a strong depilatory adhesive! Holy shit! No way! Me! Do you want this too? I don't want it! I don't want it! Xiao Lei just wanted to struggle, the male designer who laughed very lasciviously had put a piece of depilatory glue on Xiao Lei's calf, and then tore it hard. "Aah!!!! Screaming, noise index 100 decibels. ~ On this day, at the Hilton Hotel in the city center, the second and third floors were all covered by the Tian family. The largest and most luxurious banquet hall on the second floor is used as a banquet venue,eye cream packing tube, while the third floor is used as a guest lounge and a host lounge. In the evening, the street in front of the Hilton Hotel can be said to be busy, a high-end and expensive car stopped in front of the hotel, well-dressed men and women came out of the car, one by one with a reserved look, with a little bit of so-called upper-class society's unique sense of superiority. At the door stood several bodyguards of the Tian family, as well as hotel staff. It can be seen that Tian Zhen must have spent a lot of money in order to give his beloved daughter a grand birthday party. The red carpet was laid all the way from the front door to the inside of the hotel, and the reception staff of the hotel specially selected young and beautiful girls. Because most of the visitors are people with certain status, the senior executives of the hotel also came down to greet them personally. This is it. Lei's sister and Xiao Lei were in the car across the road. Lei's sister also wore a very gorgeous evening dress today. The rose-red evening dress showed her beautiful and slightly ambitious atmosphere. Of course, as a man, what attracted him most in Xiao Lei's eyes was the high slit of the evening dress. Very high It's not generally high. The slender and strong thighs exposed at the slit of the skirt are like magnets that firmly attract Xiao Lei's eyes. Have you seen enough? Thunder's sister frowned. Xiao Lei smiled and quickly withdrew his eyes: "Well, plastic packaging tube ,plastic laminted tube, I just appreciate your evening dress … …" This evening dress looks like it was made by a famous artist. It is not only elegant in style, but also profound in artistic conception. "Profound?"? How high? Xiao Lei swallowed and spat. In a hurry, he said hurriedly, "It's as high as three floors.." "Puff" thunder roared sister smiled, her original temperament partial to the cool type, but this suddenly show a smile, as if spring flowers suddenly open, ice and snow melt in general. Xiao Lei couldn't help but be stunned and murmured, "Sister Lei, I can't imagine that you look pretty good when you smile.". ” The elder sister that thunder roars at once stiffened again, cold way: "Shut up!"! You do your thing for me tonight! I've spent a million dollars on you today! Xiao Lei immediately closed his mouth. No way, poor people are short of ambition, this truth is absolutely not fictional. Now Xiao Lei's skin has become a healthy light wheat color, wearing a white Armani suit, a simple suit is worth 100,000. And in half a day today, Xiao Lei was packaged from head to toe, and the figure of spending millions of dollars is definitely not water! But simply those clothes, ah, the cost of hiring a designer, ah, also forget it. But the most depressing thing for Xiao Lei was that Miss Lei put all the strange tents on her own head. For example, the instrument that made Xiao Lei sleep for an hour and changed the color of his skin, after Xiao Lei came out of it, Miss Lei ordered people to throw it away. In Miss Lei's words: "You have been lying naked in it, do you think I will continue to use this thing?" A similar situation also happened to anything that Xiao Lei touched in Miss Lei's residence for half a day today. Like when he's sitting in his underwear. A rocking chair in the style of a medieval French court. …… There is also the top high-tech multi-functional flushing toilet in the bathroom of Miss Lei's residence, which costs five figures. Don't laugh! A normal man, most of the day down, how can not go to the toilet? In this way, all the things that Xiao Lei used were thrown away. For a million dollars, that's a conservative estimate. Well, fortunately, Xiao Lei didn't tell Miss Lei that he didn't wash his hands after going to the toilet, and when he went out of the toilet, he secretly touched the Van Gogh painting on the wall. "Well, the party is about to begin. Now get out of the car and go in by yourself." Sister Lei roared and opened the door on the other side, signaling Xiao Lei to get off. I can't go in with you. Xiao Lei nodded,polyfoil tube, held his bow tie, which made him a little stuffy, and bent down to get out of the car.
