Hair Loss is a common hair problem that is faced by everyone despite of their gender be it men or women.
Hair Loss is a common hair problem that is faced by everyone despite of their gender be it men or women.
Seeking or planning to undergo nose job/ rhinoplasty surgery? You might be having many questions coming to your mind regarding your rhinoplasty. Here, we can help you completely understand rhinoplasty and guide you through its process through detailed answers given by our expert plastic surgeon, Dr. Akangsha Sharma who offers best rhinoplasty in Jaipur at AK Aesthetics to the 10 most asked questions by patients. For More Information:-
At some point, many of us scrutinize our appearance in the mirror. While some focus on their clothes or smiles, others are concerned about their nose. Medically referred to as rhinoplasty or commonly called a “nose job,” this surgery provides a solution for those dissatisfied with their nasal appearance or function. In this blog, we will explore five convincing reasons individuals might opt for rhinoplasty. This blog will also educate our readers about where to find the best rhinoplasty surgeon in Jaipur. Continue Reading to know more!
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Balding in the crown area stands out for hair loss and is very common among men and women. The hair loss starts with the thinnest of the hair and a gradual, complete loss of hair results in baldness. It can be easily noticeable due to a large amount of hair loss from a particular area, forming crown baldness. Crown baldness occurs due to several factors, such as genetics, hormonal changes, and age factors. Balding crown affects the psychological and psychological. Crown hair transplant surgery is the most effective treatment for balding crowns.
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Dr. Akangsha Sharma has been enthusiastically serving the society of India in the field of plastic and aesthetic surgery for the past many years. She is one of the best cosmetic surgeon in India, practising at AK Aesthetics. Her clinical interests and expertise in most sought-after aesthetic procedures like hair transplant, abdominoplasty, blepharoplasty, rhinoplasty, and many more have made her the most patient’s preferred choice.
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If you are seeking the best plastic surgeon in India then you should visit AK Aesthetics once. This clinic located in Jaipur, Rajasthan offers one of the finest plastic surgeons of India named Dr. Akangsha Sharma. She holds more than 16 years of experience in the domain of plastic surgery. She is highly skilled to address various types of physical deformities and correct them. One can visit her for facial to overall physical changes. Some of the plastic surgeries she is known for include, breast reshaping, rhinoplasty, liposuction, hand and feet rejuvenation, transgender surgery, and many more. To get more detail about Dr. Akangsha Sharma or treatments provided by her, visit AK Aesthetics and book an appointment with the best plastic surgeon in India now!