Diet is Life. Our Animals Diet Must Have Life Force.
What your animals eat is paramount to their health and well being on all levels of their existence, their body, mind and spirit, including their frequency. Is our animal fed a diet full of freshness and aliveness or one of dead matter?
Governing Vessel In Acupuncture Points In Dogs
These vessels called the conception and governing vessels store the polar energies, Yin and Yang. They are accessed through the other meridians in the body, and can be seen to adjust in good flow when dowsing from my perspective, as the other meridians are worked on, and become happy.
Meridians Dowsing Charts
Our thoughts are energy. We are energy. Everything is energy. We have the power to shift and change all energy around us. What stands in our way usually is the programs and belief systems we are tied to and are running.
Universal Law Of Animals
We are all energy. Everything is energy. And we are a part of this expansive energetic universe. Some say, part of this universe, as there is thought to be more than one.